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These beautiful vintage ladies all dressed up in their antique gowns. They look so poised and proper but the fun is that they're teamed up with slightly snobbish humor on this set of four coasters.
Personalized with any name or custom text, these lovely retro Mae West inspired coasters measure 4" x 4" with a full color printed fabric top and a no stick rubber bottom.
Coaster Quotes Included Are:
I have never faked a sarcasm
Better late than ugly
Well behaved woman rarely make history
Bad choices make good stories
This awesome antique theme coaster set can be purchased with or without personalization.
Use the form to enter text and choose a font for your entry or choose As Sample if you like the font we used.
Or put N/A in the name field and we'll create this coasters with no name on the bottom.
Estimated production on Coaster Sets is 3 business days.
Personalized with any name or custom text, these lovely retro Mae West inspired coasters measure 4" x 4" with a full color printed fabric top and a no stick rubber bottom.
Coaster Quotes Included Are:
I have never faked a sarcasm
Better late than ugly
Well behaved woman rarely make history
Bad choices make good stories
This awesome antique theme coaster set can be purchased with or without personalization.
Use the form to enter text and choose a font for your entry or choose As Sample if you like the font we used.
Or put N/A in the name field and we'll create this coasters with no name on the bottom.
Estimated production on Coaster Sets is 3 business days.