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Fun Martini Glass Shaped Key Rings features your choice of color background and text on top and bottom. Let us know how you want it set up for a fun gift for your house keys, cabana keys and car keys.
Tips on using the personalization form:
♦Let us know what background color you want
♦Input Text separated by / for top bottom ex: Shaken Not Stirred / Melissa
!! Please note personalization area and limit text to similar to sample
♦Choose a Font for your text or "As Sample"
♦Choose a Color for your text
♦Use the additional info box for any set up request that differs from our sample image.
Personalized Flip Flops Key Rings are made of aluminum and measure approximately 1.5" x 2.75" x .045" plus split ring. Each Custom Key Ring is printed on both sides with the same image.
Estimated production time on key rings is 2-4 business days
Tips on using the personalization form:
♦Let us know what background color you want
♦Input Text separated by / for top bottom ex: Shaken Not Stirred / Melissa
!! Please note personalization area and limit text to similar to sample
♦Choose a Font for your text or "As Sample"
♦Choose a Color for your text
♦Use the additional info box for any set up request that differs from our sample image.
Personalized Flip Flops Key Rings are made of aluminum and measure approximately 1.5" x 2.75" x .045" plus split ring. Each Custom Key Ring is printed on both sides with the same image.
Estimated production time on key rings is 2-4 business days