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These great Cross Shaped Christmas Ornaments with Luke 2:14 are perfect for Christmas but can be hung in your home all year long. Personalized with any message on top like Bless our Home and Name or custom text in the wide portion of the cross, these make a lovely gift for anyone who celebrates Christmas but also great as a gift for a new home. too.
Use the form to personalize Name (appears across the width ex: The Burkes) and additional text (appears on top ex: Bless Our Home)
These Christian Cross Ornaments are printed on both sides with the same image. Made from quality aluminum they measure 2.9" x 3.5" x .045. Usually ships in 3-5 days with ribbon or cord for hanging. Please place holiday orders early.
Use the form to personalize Name (appears across the width ex: The Burkes) and additional text (appears on top ex: Bless Our Home)
These Christian Cross Ornaments are printed on both sides with the same image. Made from quality aluminum they measure 2.9" x 3.5" x .045. Usually ships in 3-5 days with ribbon or cord for hanging. Please place holiday orders early.