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Decorate for Winter with this cute snowman and any personalized text to enhance your kitchen decor with items you can actually use. Available in two sizes the 8" x 8" pot holder is great for any pan while the 7" x 9" is specifically great for long handled skillets and frying pans.
Personalized with any name or custom text, you can add a little extra decoration to frying up those calamari on Christmas Eve or throughout the whole season. The Snowman pot holders have a silver thermal backing so they also double as a hot pad trivet.
Personalized with any name or custom text, you can add a little extra decoration to frying up those calamari on Christmas Eve or throughout the whole season. The Snowman pot holders have a silver thermal backing so they also double as a hot pad trivet.
Personalize for your own Christmas kitchen or as a Secret Santa Gift or check out our other snowman personalized kitchen items to make a lovely ensemble gift for your holiday hostess.
Personalized Snowman Pot Holders are available in two sizes, 8" x 8" or 7" x 9" and generally take 3-5 business days to create.