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Poinsettias, one of the ultimate Christmas images, are the perfect backdrop to any personalized text on these custom thermal pot holders.
Available for both short and long handled pots. Your choice of 8" x 8" or 7" x 9" poinsettia theme pot holders that double as a hot pad trivet.
Available for both short and long handled pots. Your choice of 8" x 8" or 7" x 9" poinsettia theme pot holders that double as a hot pad trivet.
Personalize with any text and your choice of font (if you like the font shown, just choose "As Sample") these Poinsettia pot holders are great for both your own Christmas Kitchen and as a gift for friends and family.
Personalized Christmas Poinsettia Pot Holders are available in two sizes, 8" x 8" or 7" x 9" and generally take 3-5 business days to create.