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Who doesn't love to boast their children's Refrigerator Art? Proudly display their masterpiece on the fridge with a custom art palette magnet with their name! Send a magnet off to the grandparents with their newest drawing or display in your own home.
Your child will gain so much confidence when you boast their art acumen with a magnet all to themselves.
Choose from three different styles, plain background - paint splotches - or wood with paint dabs and tools. Enter any text for top arc, center, and bottom (or leave blank any area you don't want personalized!
If you want a background color that differs from the blue sample, let us know in the additional info section.
Child's Art Palette Refrigerator Magnets usually ship in 3-5 days.
Your child will gain so much confidence when you boast their art acumen with a magnet all to themselves.
Choose from three different styles, plain background - paint splotches - or wood with paint dabs and tools. Enter any text for top arc, center, and bottom (or leave blank any area you don't want personalized!
If you want a background color that differs from the blue sample, let us know in the additional info section.
Child's Art Palette Refrigerator Magnets usually ship in 3-5 days.